Apartamento Alto de Pinheiros

André Ávila Arquitetura como Arquitectos

The apartment Alto de Pinheiros focused on the renovation of the property and a new internal distribution of spaces and layout.

The original plan of the apartment was extremely subdivided into small rooms, without adequate sunlight and ventilation. Therefore, the initial concept was to completely open up the apartment, removing 90% of the walls and opening new windows to provide greater clarity to the spaces.

An interesting point in this building is the freedom to enlarge the windows, following an established pattern, thus changing the frame of the room, increasing its length and gaining more clarity.

photo_credit Guilherme Pucci
Guilherme Pucci
photo_credit Guilherme Pucci
Guilherme Pucci

The textures are marked by the exposed concrete of the building's structure, the original wooden floor that we renovated, and the striking decoration, with lots of plants and design pieces.

In the living room, the starting point was to unify it with the kitchen and the office, creating a unique living space. The main direction of the linear kitchen was the island that would be the work center, encompassing everything from the sink, work bench and production area to the dining table, all planned on a single solid wood top, marrying with a planned joinery.

Above the top, we designed a metalwork and joinery structure to delimit the space and serve as a pantry. We changed the windows, increasing their light and ventilation, as done in the living room, thus creating cross ventilation between the environments.

photo_credit Guilherme Pucci
Guilherme Pucci
photo_credit Guilherme Pucci
Guilherme Pucci

In the service area we created a beautiful metalwork door, to bring in natural light from the windows, and also connect with the kitchen with the same materiality. This door, in addition to the glass, has a special opening so that the cats in the house can pass through it without the need for it to be open.

In the baby's bedroom, the structure of the building is the element that defines the layout. In addition to delimiting the space, we also highlight the exposed concrete. We play with colors to create a lighter and more relaxed environment.

In the couple's bedroom, we maintained the language of stripped pillars and beams, and organized the layout to make the most of the space with planned movements.

photo_credit Guilherme Pucci
Guilherme Pucci
photo_credit Guilherme Pucci
Guilherme Pucci

Finally, in the bathroom, we rearranged the walls to increase the internal space, creating a larger box and countertop. The materials chosen followed the same language applied in the kitchen, with green joinery and a solid wood top, as well as a large mirror to give a greater feeling of spaciousness.

The project was designed to expand the spaces, bringing greater comfort in daily use, with more natural light and ventilation. The materiality highlights the exposed concrete, carpentry and metalwork, bringing unity and connectivity to all environments, resulting in an apartment that is more comfortable and suited to the client's needs.

photo_credit Guilherme Pucci
Guilherme Pucci
photo_credit Guilherme Pucci
Guilherme Pucci

Architects: André Ávila Arquitetura and LuisCanepa Arquitetos
Photo credits: Guilherme Pucci
Project Team: André Ávila, LuisCanepa and Agatha Weber
Clients: Pedro Gillet

photo_credit Guilherme Pucci
Guilherme Pucci
photo_credit Guilherme Pucci
Guilherme Pucci

Material Used:
1. Paint: Suvinil
2. Locksmith: Nilson Lima
3. Crockery and Metals: Deca
4. Ceramic Coatings: Portobello

Créditos Del Proyecto
Hoja De Especificaciones Del Producto

Ceramic CoatingsPortobello S.A.
Crockery and MetalsDeca
Hoja De Especificaciones Del Producto
Ceramic Coatings
por Suvinil
Crockery and Metals
por Deca
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