Apresente seu portfólio

  • Mostre seus projetos na popular Guia de Projetos da Archello
  • Crie uma apresentação inspiradora com fotos, desenhos e vídeos do projeto
  • Seja destaque na página inicial da Archello, canais sociais e boletins informativos
“Archello.com é a comunidade de arquitetura que mais cresce, mais de 36.000 empresas usam a Archello para compartilhar seu trabalho.“

Compartilhar Conhecimento Específico

  • Compartilhe conhecimentos específicos com outras pessoas e aprenda com as escolhas que outros arquitetos fazem
  • Projetos com folhas de especificações terão maior visibilidade e provavelmente serão publicados na página inicial e nos canais de mídia social da Archello
Port House by Zaha Hadid Architects
“Projetos com fichas de produtos atingirão um público maior e terão mais chances de serem divulgados em todos os nossos canais“

Construa uma comunidade

  • Convide membros da equipe para sua página corporativa
  • Mostre com quem você trabalhou: conecte marcas envolvidas a seus projetos
  • Aumente os seguidores, mantenha a comunidade de arquitetura atualizada publicando seu trabalho mais recente
  • Descobrir ideias e interações da marca em tempo real
“Algumas de nossas empresas têm mais de 10.000 seguidores da indústria e recebem em média 10 novos seguidores por dia“

Encontrar produtos para o seu próximo projeto

  • Veja quais produtos são usados ​​pelos arquitetos nos projetos. Descubra milhares de folhas de especificações de produtos conectadas a projetos
  • Use o seletor de produtos da Archello para encontrar os melhores produtos para o seu próximo projeto e conecte-se diretamente com o fabricante
  • Salvar produtos em sua coleção para uso futuro
  • Siga os fabricantes para se manter informado sobre os lançamentos de novos produtos
  • Baixe folhetos de produtos, arquivos BIM, encontre listas de referência de outros arquitetos que trabalharam com o fabricante.
”Archello foi construído do zero para conectar arquitetos com fabricantes.”

Acreditado por empresas líderes da indústria em Arquitetura e Design

Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
Associado | Archello
”Use Archello para mostrar seu portfólio para a arquitetura global e comunidade de design”

O que nossos clientes dizem

Marie Van Gucht, Digital & Trade Marketing Officer
Reynaers Aluminium
Thanks to Archello, we stay closely connected with architects and craftsmen who apply Reynaers Aluminium solutions in their projects. The interaction between inspiring yourself and gaining inspiration is facilitated by the many campaign options offered by the platform.
In addition, the contact with our personal account manager is always pleasant and professional.
Marie Van Gucht, Digital & Trade Marketing Officer
Reynaers Aluminium
Birthe Tofting, Sales and Marketing Director
VOLA has worked with Archello for several years, with Archello sharing VOLA's passion to engage with architects and interior designers, aiming to inspire them to create living spaces for people who love good design that lasts.
Birthe Tofting, Sales and Marketing Director
Jan Terje Nielsen, CCBO  (Chief Communication & Brand Officer)
I have been using Archello to spread inspiration towards architects over the world for many years. We continuously experience the messaging to be view and reacted upon.
Also, the competence and service level for adapting case stories and press releases are extremely high.
Jan Terje Nielsen, CCBO (Chief Communication & Brand Officer)
Monica Pedrali, CEO of Pedrali
Pedrali's collections are used in a variety of projects, from prestigious international settings to residential projects. The versatility and refinement of these different contexts is enhanced also thanks to Archello, a platform that allows us to share the news concerning our company. By uploading products to the brand gallery and tagging them in the projects we are involved in, architects and interior designers can draw inspiration, ask information and choose our furniture for their own projects. For us, Archello represents an important platform through which to spread our 100% Made in Italy philosophy, providing excellent service and support.
Monica Pedrali, CEO of Pedrali
Adam Benge, Vice President of Business Development
Surfacing Solution
Archello is an important and valuable marketing channel for us. We routinely generate leads A&D for our decorative wood wall panels through their platform and receive real actual orders from these opportunities. Our first big order was within the first two months of posting.
Archello has been the best inspirational site in the industry and one of our favorite marketing initiatives.
Adam Benge, Vice President of Business Development
Surfacing Solution
Patrizia Vicenzi, CEO
Archello is a very useful platform in all our leading generation activities. It is a source of inspirations for architects and designers, a comprehensive archive and a practical tool in their products research.
For us, it is therefore a straightforward way to reach these key targets with our lighting products and solutions.
Patrizia Vicenzi, CEO
Levi Kleinjan, Projectadvisor Specials Facades
ArcelorMittal Construction
Projects you are proud of are something you want to show off. That way, you can inspire others and give them ideas. Zooming in to the façade elements in question, finding the right associated information and contacting the right entity of ArcelorMittal Construction at a local level has a tremendous added value for our clients.
Archello offers us this great opportunity.
Levi Kleinjan, Projectadvisor Specials Facades
ArcelorMittal Construction
Marie Van Gucht, Digital & Trade Marketing Officer
Reynaers Aluminium
Thanks to Archello, we stay closely connected with architects and craftsmen who apply Reynaers Aluminium solutions in their projects. The interaction between inspiring yourself and gaining inspiration is facilitated by the many campaign options offered by the platform.
In addition, the contact with our personal account manager is always pleasant and professional.
Marie Van Gucht, Digital & Trade Marketing Officer
Reynaers Aluminium
Birthe Tofting, Sales and Marketing Director
VOLA has worked with Archello for several years, with Archello sharing VOLA's passion to engage with architects and interior designers, aiming to inspire them to create living spaces for people who love good design that lasts.
Birthe Tofting, Sales and Marketing Director
Jan Terje Nielsen, CCBO  (Chief Communication & Brand Officer)
I have been using Archello to spread inspiration towards architects over the world for many years. We continuously experience the messaging to be view and reacted upon.
Also, the competence and service level for adapting case stories and press releases are extremely high.
Jan Terje Nielsen, CCBO (Chief Communication & Brand Officer)
Monica Pedrali, CEO of Pedrali
Pedrali's collections are used in a variety of projects, from prestigious international settings to residential projects. The versatility and refinement of these different contexts is enhanced also thanks to Archello, a platform that allows us to share the news concerning our company. By uploading products to the brand gallery and tagging them in the projects we are involved in, architects and interior designers can draw inspiration, ask information and choose our furniture for their own projects. For us, Archello represents an important platform through which to spread our 100% Made in Italy philosophy, providing excellent service and support.
Monica Pedrali, CEO of Pedrali

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