In Toronto, the Muskokas and throughout Canada, BLDG Workshop pursues the goal of working with great clients who appreciate great design. We believe that good architectural design creates a sense of place through responding to client needs, the site and its conditions. At BLDG Workshop we feel that the best way to create successful architectural design is to embrace a collaborative relationship in which the client’s voice and ideas are heard and implemented. We believe that good architectural design should respond to many fundamental and site specific principles; however, at the end of the day, your home should respond primarily to you. Favourite projects often include custom homes and cottages where the site includes natural features that can become integral to the overall design. We consider sustainability, interior, industrial, and landscape design as instrumental in our work as we approach projects in relationship to their context.

Nuestros Proyectos
BLDG Workshop Oficinas
BLDG Workshop
Muskoka District Municipality, ON, Canada