Cultural heritage

An overview of projects, products and exclusive articles about cultural heritage

NoticiasNoticias • 23 jul. 2024

Semillas creates educational space in Peru’s central jungle to promote cultural and environmental preservation

Fundada en 2014, Semillas es una organización peruana sin ánimo de lucro que desarrolla proyectos de arquitectura a través de procesos participativos, la promoción de la cooperación entre instituciones y el desarrollo sostenible. Semillas entiende la arquitectura como una expresión cultural y una forma de mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas. Un ejemplo de ello es el «Laboratorio Tecnológico y Ambiental Mencoriari», un proyecto educativo y comunitario ubicado en la comunidad indígena de Mencoriari, en la zona rural del distrito de Pangoa, provincia de Satipo, en la selva central de Perú. Aquí se ha creado un espacio educativo versátil que ofrece u... Más

Proyecto • By AT26 architectsCentros de Exposiciones

YIT sales point

This place is devoted to the presentation of the recent projects of developer YIT Slovakia to their clients. It combines the various meeting places and exhibition areas with samples of the materials used in the ongoing projects. Entering the showroom, you will meet a "pink box" with three meeting rooms and a passage directly before you. It is a main volume placed inside the historical context of Pradiareň 1900 building. Caption Caption This pink structure has variously shaped apertures combined with black-coated metal structures supporting the construction of the second level. The second level is accessible by the spiral stairway. The floor here is partly rotated 90° against the level under. It is also a bridge to the next,... Más

Proyecto • By PLUS ULTRA studioHerencias

MCG | Casa dei Birilli

Una casa Walser al pie del Monte Rosa cuya historia se remonta al siglo XVII. Situada a las afueras del pueblo de Macugnanga, cerca de la antigua iglesia, la casa fue en su día residencia episcopal cerca del Walser Dorf de Staffa. Con el paso de los años, la casa pasó a manos de sus actuales propietarios, que han vivido en ella y la han cuidado durante más de cuatro generaciones. La confrontación con un artefacto de tal valor llevó a considerar cuidadosamente cada intervención con vistas a no distorsionar su arquitectura. Federico Villa Federico Villa Federico Villa Los límites impuestos por la disponibilidad de materiales, sus cualidades, las capacidades físicas... Más

Proyecto • By Raum3 ArchitektenHerencias

Hof im Thal

The "Hof im Thal" is historically one of the most precious buildings in the village. The first written mention of the heritage-protected farm dates back to 1288. The house is basically divided into two structures: the two-storey "Baumann"- wing in the east and the three-storey "Herrschaftstrakt" (manor house) in the west, which was the former summer residence of the Baroni family or the later Thalbenefizium for local clergymen. Gustav Willeit Gustav Willeit Gustav Willeit Gustav Willeit The restoration represents a significant contribution to the preservation of the architectural culture of our country and is intended to be an example of sensitive restoration.  Gustav Willeit Gustav Willeit Gustav Will... Más

Proyecto • By ELEMENTARNACentros Comunitarios

Revitalization of Old Glassworks

The essence of the project lies in the transformation of the Old Glassworks and its neighboring public spaces, guided by the vision of creating a vibrant hub for local culture. It transcends mere physical alterations, as its goal is to revitalize the very spirit of Ptuj's historic old town, ensuring its enduring relevance as a cultural focal point. Miran Kambič Miran Kambič Miran Kambič Miran Kambič Revitalization of Old Glassworks, along with its adjoining streets and squares, brings new high-quality public spaces to the Ptuj's old town center. These spaces serve as a link between the castle hill, town, and river, fostering a vibrant city. Two key focal points are the more formal Vrazov trg square on one side and intim... Más

NoticiasNoticias • 7 jul. 2023

Rootstudio sets a dialogue between gastronomy and heritage in this cultural centre in Oaxaca, Mexico

En el centro histórico de Oaxaca, México, Rootstudio, un laboratorio de arquitectura con sede en México, restaura un antiguo convento virreinal de Carmen Alto para convertirlo en un centro gastronómico polivalente. El proyecto de recuperación del patrimonio combina el pasado, el presente y el futuro de la cultura gastronómica oaxaqueña para crear un espacio educativo contemporáneo y atemporal. Lizet Ortiz El diseño busca inspiración en la arquitectura de la estructura conventual existente, el patrimonio culinario local y los materiales endémicos para crear una tentadora experiencia sensorial que combine las tradiciones gastronómicas con la sostenib... Más

Proyecto • By Jackson Clements Burrows ArchitectsApartamentos

Boiler House

Located on the banks of the Birrarung in Alphington, YarraBend is a significant new neighbourhood being developed by Glenvill. JCB is the architect and interior designer for Boiler House and Glass House, two residential developments forming a significant part of YarraBend’s Heritage Precinct. Boiler House celebrates and reimagines the original 1920 boiler house and paper mill on the site, crafting 22 contemporary residences, including two penthouses with 6 metre ceilings and four bedrooms each. Gavin Scott 3D Gavin Scott 3D Glass House captures the industrial spirit of the 1954 boiler house, adding architectural detail and layers of greenery to a new 5-storey apartment building. A communal roof terrace will provide outdoo... Más

Proyecto • By MERMETOficinas

Gare Maritime Brussels

In the 1900s, Brussels’ Gare Maritime was a freight station. It is part of the Tour & Taxis site in Brussels, which used to be one of the world’s largest rail and river hubs for freight transport. After it was bought by the developer Extensa in 2015, around 45,000 m² of former industrial buildings were renovated and transformed into a multifunction office and retail complex with events facilities. The original metal framework of the buildings was conserved, together with the large windows. To avoid the buildings turning into hothouses due to the sun’s rays on the glazing, exterior ZIP roller blinds, custom-made by our customer Renson, were installed. To harmonise the whole façade and preserve the view... Más

Proyecto • By WY-TO GroupHerencias

St James Power Station Heritage Trail and Gallery

St James Power Station, a glorious industrial power house of Singapore is now a notable heritage icon in Singapore and a successful example of adaptive reuse. It is important to pay homage to the historical architecture while integrating the heritage trail and gallery with a renewed landscape and interior of the Dyson office. The design direction of the gallery aims to showcase the value of heritage through the legacy of its materials and artefacts. Mapletree Moving towards the future, it is pivotal to give the heritage a new lustre and patina. The use of corten steel for the outdoor interpretive panels is reminiscent of the distinctive red brick façade. New materials such as steel beams and granites are introduced to complemen... Más

Proyecto • By Moriyama Teshima ArchitectsUniversidades

Makwa Waakaa'igan Indigenous Centre of Excellence

At the gateway to Algoma University in Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, currently stands Shinhigwauk Hall, the former residential school where children from 184 First Nations communities across Canada were taken from their parents, families, culture and communities. Since the school’s official closure in 1970, the Children of Shinhigwauk Alumni Association, the survivors of the school, have been working with Algoma University to heal this place, and work toward reconciliation through the vision of a cross-cultural learning centre – a facility of healing, cultural preservation, dialogue and transformation. A new heart for the campus, the design intent of the Makwa Waakaa’igan Indigenous Centre of Cultural Excellence is to provide... Más

Proyecto • By Serge Schoemaker ArchitectsParques/Jardines

Hoofddorp Fort Island

El proceso de reurbanización y reconversión del Fuerte Hoofddorp duró una década. Los 8.100 m2 del Patrimonio Mundial holandés se transformaron en un parque urbano con espacio para un restaurante y actividades culturales y educativas. Serge Schoemaker Architects adoptó un enfoque integral del paisaje, la arquitectura y el interior, fusionando el pasado y el presente en una nueva entidad. MWA Hart Nibbrig El fuerte Hoofddorp (1904) es uno de los pocos fuertes de la línea histórica de defensa de Ámsterdam que tiene dos pisos. Como la mayoría de los fuertes, esta estructura defensiva está incrustada en el paisaje y cubierta por una capa de tierra. El fuerte est&... Más

Proyecto • By The wall design studioCentros de Exposiciones

Exhibition design for "ANUGA"

In our project we wanted to merge Georgian heritage and modern  design together to show visitors our  point of view  how to keep together heritage sites and modern shapes . We have  minimalistic shapes with white metal frames and historic Georgian house named "Oda" in all 3 stands. Also in Georgia wine has religious and cultural significance. Georgia is one of the oldest wine regions in the world and is considered as the “cradle of wine.”  The inspiration behind the shape of the building comes from Fibonacci’s golden ratio. The universe is built according to “divine proportions” and can be identified in the structure of many organisms. Caption Caption The main challenge of th... Más

Proyecto • By Kenny & MasonCasas Privadas

Veulen Castle

In the town of Veulen, Belgium we find this iconic 18th century castle. An absolute gem in the midst of it's own fabulous gardens. One of the main objectives for the renovations was to maintain the monumental character of the castle, aswell as reflect the owner's love and passion for craftsmanship, heritage and history. In the interior of the castle we find a subtle blend of soft greens, beige, brass and oak. a subtle nod to the palet we find in the garden's. Creating a warm and peaceful setting.  The same idiology was translated into the kitchen and bathroom. While designing these interiors, the priority was to maintain the sense of warmth and peace by usage of warm colors. We therefor applied our iconic Old Brass finish to our prod... Más

NoticiasNoticias • 21 oct. 2021

Benthem Crouwel Architects add color to reveal original materials of seventeenth-century Amsterdam canal house

The national heritage weaver’s house on the Vijzelgracht is one out of roughly eighty weaver’s houses that have survived. Benthem Crouwel Architects restored and renovated the canal house into a contemporary home, while preserving the original layout. The design reveals as much of the original material as possible. Jannes Linders The architects applied a bright color palette to enhance the variety in materials and spaces. The colors range from dark tones in the lower floor, to bright tones in the attic. The design combines careful new detailing with original seventeenth-century elements. Jannes Linders Most of the building was renovated and some elements were removed and added. A storage structure in the rear made wa... Más

Proyecto • By Lemanarc SAHospitales

Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital

Nanjing Drum Tower Hospital South Expansion Project is located in the central area of Nanjing, with a base area of 37,900m2 and a total construction area of 230,000m2, which is a comprehensive hospital expansion project integrating inpatient, outpatient, emergency, medical technology and academic exchange, etc. Xia Qiang The design started in 2003 and was completed and operated in 2012. The inspiration comes from the interpretation of the word hospital in the traditional Chinese culture. The Latin word hospital in Western languages originally meant to gather guests, while in traditional Chinese culture, the word "hospital" means "medical compound". Xia Qiang The garden is the boundary between the outside world and the home, and... Más