Czech architecture

An overview of projects, products and exclusive articles about czech architecture

Proyecto • By Šťastný Pavel ArchitektAlojamiento

Family house Dehtáry

The house is located in the village of Dehtáry in the Liberec region, it is a beautiful region with mostly open rural development. The client's task was to rebuild the original building with one apartment unit into a house with two apartment units. The ground floor of the original house serves as a unit for the grandparents, and the newly built part serves a young family. Pavla Frauenterková Pavla Frauenterková Pavla Frauenterková We eliminated the annexes of the old building. This cleaned front elevation of the house was linearly extended. The linear structure is cut in the middle by an opening that connects the space in front of the house and behind the house, creates a distance between the exte... Más

NoticiasNoticias • 19 jul. 2024

Monumental sculptures appear to embrace and support Fragment Apartments in Prague

El estudio creativo praguense QARTA Architektura ha finalizado la construcción de un complejo de apartamentos en el barrio praguense de Karlín. La arquitectura de gran fuerza visual de los nuevos «Apartamentos Fragmento» responde al contexto histórico de Karlín. Antiguo barrio industrial, Karlín ha sido testigo de una gran transformación arquitectónica y social en las últimas décadas. La inclusión en el proyecto de tres esculturas monumentales del escultor checo David Černý crea un escenario tan sorprendente como surrealista. QARTA Architektura BoysPlayNice BoysPlayNice La transformación gradual de Karlín conser... Más

NoticiasNoticias • 22 may. 2024

Prokš Přikryl Architekti converts historic grain silo into multifunctional conference and art space

La empresa praguense Prokš Přikryl Architekti ha reconvertido el silo de grano de un edificio histórico de un molino de Pardubice, ciudad de la República Checa, como parte del desarrollo en curso de un nuevo distrito urbano cultural y social. Petr Polák Petr Polák Prokš Přikryl Architekti Situada a orillas del río Chrudimka, en el centro de Pardubice, Automatic Mills, calificada de "monumento cultural nacional", es uno de los primeros edificios diseñados por el influyente arquitecto checo Josef Gočár. Creado originalmente en 1911 para los hermanos Winternitz, expertos en negocios, el Molino Winternitz pasó a llamarse "Automatické Ml&yacu... Más

Proyecto • By JanskyDunderaApartamentos

Reconstruction of a First Republic-era Apartment

The authors approached the complete reconstruction of a spacious apartment in Klatovy, Czech Republic, with care worthy of the treatment of family silver. It is located in an apartment building from the 1930s, which was built by the great-grandfather of one of the authors of the design, Zeno Fifka. Moreover, the house remained in the family's ownership to this day, and the renovation was also carried out for close relatives, a young family of four. Honza Zima Thanks to the mutual trust and understanding between designers and clients it was possible to create an unusual family home with many atypical features. "The main intention of the design was to give the apartment some spatial generosity and to further support the modernist First-... Más

NoticiasNoticias • 3 abr. 2024

ORA completes refurbishment and modernization of Kolby Winery in Czech Republic

El estudio de arquitectura checo ORA (Original Regional Architecture) ha completado la profunda remodelación y modernización de la bodega Kolby en Pouzdřany, un pueblo de la región de Moravia del Sur, en la República Checa. El proyecto rejuvenece y unifica varios elementos arquitectónicos existentes, además de añadir un nuevo almacén de botellas de vino. BoysPlayNice BoysPlayNice La bodega constaba originalmente de un edificio histórico con amplias bodegas y una ampliación moderna. A ORA se le encargó añadir una capa adicional, que incorporaba un almacén de botellas de vino y un bar de vinos para los visitantes. La reciente transfor... Más

NoticiasNoticias • 28 mar. 2024

PLATO Gallery of Contemporary Art: Architecture finalist in Mies van der Rohe Awards 2024

En esta serie de Archello, analizamos cada uno de los siete proyectos nominados (cinco finalistas de arquitectura y dos finalistas emergentes) en los Premios Mies van der Rohe 2024.   PLATO Gallery of Contemporary Art Juliusz Sokołowski El estudio de arquitectura polaco Robert Konieczny KWK Promes ha transformado un antiguo matadero en ruinas de la ciudad checa de Ostrava en la Galería de Arte Contemporáneo PLATO. El proyecto, resultado de un concurso internacional organizado por la ciudad estatutaria de Ostrava, pretende hacer el arte más accesible y democrático. Una característica especialmente notable es la inclusión de seis magníficos muros giratorios que unen los espacio... Más

NoticiasNoticias • 20 mar. 2024

New infill apartment building in Prague reflects an industrial heritage

Iconik es un edificio de apartamentos residenciales en el barrio de Karlín de Praga. Diseñado por el estudio de arquitectura praguense edit!, el edificio ocupa uno de los últimos solares vacíos del barrio, resultado de las devastadoras inundaciones de agosto de 2002. Hoy en día, esta zona de moda de la capital checa ha experimentado una importante transformación arquitectónica y social. El diseño del edificio Iconik, antiguo distrito industrial, refleja la herencia industrial de Karlín y contribuye a la revitalización de la zona. BoysPlayNice BoysPlayNice Proyecto para el Grupo Karlín, su fundador Serge Borenstein había invitado previament... Más

NoticiasNoticias • 7 mar. 2024

Consequence forma architects revitalizes a run-down city park in Brno

El estudio de arquitectura checo Consequence forma architects ha revitalizado el Parque de la Plaza de Moravia en Brno, capital de Moravia, en el este de la República Checa. Una parte clave del proyecto incluye una infraestructura verde azulada. BoysPlayNice Situada en el centro histórico de Brno, la destartalada Plaza de Moravia llevaba varios años en estado de abandono: su disposición espacial era especialmente poco práctica y no fomentaba el uso del parque. El proyecto de revitalización fue encargado por la Oficina del Distrito Municipal de Brno-střed (un distrito en el centro de Brno). Las instrucciones del proyecto hacían hincapié en la creación de un parque como... Más

NoticiasNoticias • 23 ago. 2023

Sensitive insertion of new gallery space at the historic Olomouc Archdiocesan Museum

En Olomouc (República Checa), los Museos Archidiocesanos albergan una exposición permanente de la cultura espiritual de la archidiócesis de Olomouc y una galería de arte con pinturas y esculturas coleccionadas por los obispos olomoucos desde el siglo XVI. Todo el tejido histórico del complejo museístico fue objeto de una compleja reconstrucción de conservación entre 1998 y 2006. La intervención más reciente, a cargo de Šépka architekti, ha consistido en la inserción sensible y emocionante de un nuevo espacio de galería en el ático existente. Aleš Jungmann   Un nuevo objeto de hormigón de Šépka... Más

NoticiasNoticias • 10 nov. 2022

The Guard Patrol installation series draws inspiration from ‘the fox, the bear, the sheep, and the miner’

Designed by Mjölk architekti, The Guard Patrol comprises a series of small stops in the form of steel and wood installations on the mountain above Rokytnice in the Czech Republic. BoysPlayNice   The original intention of the local municipality was to create a classic lookout tower in the area; however, the topography of the existing landscape ultimately proved unsuitable for this due to a lack of good views from standard heights. In response, the architects returned with a concept of several smaller stops on the rocks running along the top of the mountain. BoysPlayNice   The stops draw inspiration from the town’s coat of arms by translating its four patrons – the Fox, the Bear, the Sheep, and... Más

Proyecto • By Pavel Hnilicka Architects+PlannersCasas Privadas


The design of the new family house in the old Liboc district replaces a dilapidated building that used to stand there in the past. The new house has two floors with a partial basement. The L-shaped ground plan situated in the corner of the plot refers to the old building. The facade of the main part of the house remains in the original place where it clearly delimits a piazzetta formed by an intersection of the corner streets. Compared to the old state, the shorter facade is offset inwards, widening the street. It consists of a floor that is partially embedded in the sloping terrain with one additional floor on top. The entrance to the plot remained on the north side together with the main entrance to the house in the center of the facade.... Más

NoticiasNoticias • 10 jun. 2021

Chybik + Kristof Architects preserve Brutalist architectural heritage while advocating for positive social change through their redesign of the Zvonarka Central Bus Terminal

In Brno, Czech Republic, Chybik + Kristof Architects have completed the redesign of Zvonarka Central Bus Terminal. The project saw the architects actively engage in preserving the existing Brutalist structure – a steel supporting frame and concrete roof – and its original identity, preserving and reflecting an important part of the city’s architectural identity. Alex Shoots Buildings Stressing the station’s central role in the city and the region’s sociocultural fabric, the project is further a rethink of a decaying transportation hub and public space, adapting and responding to current social needs. Caption Constructed in 1988, Brno’s Zvonarka Central Bus Terminal has long been considered one... Más

Proyecto • By LIKO-SOficinas

IDEAL-Trade Service Brno

From outside... The gray envelope of the facade panels in the street, where there are mainly companies and car showrooms, fits in with the others. At first glance, however, it differs by its dark framed horizontal windows, which thus refer to the most famous, functionalist period of the city of Brno. With a little imagination, you can see the outlines of the famous Villa Savoy, an icon of the period. And thanks to these wide strip windows, there is enough light inside for all the offices in the administrative part of the building. The two-storey administrative building itself is supplemented to the rear by a production, development, and storage facility. An important element of the exterior, which is not visible from the street, at first... Más

Proyecto • By dkarchitekti, s.r.o.Estaciones de Tren

Hall of daily treatment DEPO Brno

Investor: Brno Public Transport Company Location: Czech Republic, Brno-Pisárky, Hlinky Street Author: DKARCHITEKTI (David Kudla, Tomáš Fries, Filip Malý) Building layout: 117 × 14.5 m, height 10.5 m, Window size: 5.6 × 23.6 m Built-up area: 1,612 sqm Total area of interest on the premises: 6,650 sqm Tracks area: 12,730 sqm Design: 2017 Construction: 2018–2020   Introduction: A new tram maintenance depot was built in Brno-Pisárky. The architects DKARCHITEKTI gave the building a highly distinctive look and also the technical solution is very unique – it goes beyond what we imagine under the terms "hall" or "depot". The distinctive facade panel segmentation was optimis... Más

Proyecto • By Skarka StudiosAyuntamientos

Ceremonial Hall

Architect : Martin Jan Rosa / Photography : Skarka Studios - Katerina Skarkova / The ceremonial hall in the premises of the town hall in Nový Jičín is the place of the most important life events, whether it is welcoming citizens, concluding marriages or other important meetings. The hall is regularly filled with the happiest emotions. However, its appearance from the end of the 1960s has ceased to be sufficient for the demands placed on the current significant representative space.   Architecture The new appearance of the hall, vestibule and adjacent facilities is intentionally moderated so that it is above all a dignified background for the events themselves. We have preserved... Más