Edificios modulares

An overview of projects, products and exclusive articles about Edificios modulares

Proyecto • By Boano PrišmontasRural

The Barn

Nestled amidst the tranquil and serene countryside, stands a stunning architectural masterpiece - The Barn. The structure beautifully blends traditional barn design with modern CNC technology to create a truly unique and captivating space. The arched roof, wooden walls, and small windows all work together in perfect harmony, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere that is both functional and beautiful.The Barn is a private art gallery and contemplative space that has been meticulously designed to evoke a sense of peace and tranquility. The minimalistic design of the room encourages introspection and reflection, with every detail carefully considered to create a harmonious relationship between the building and the natural world that surround... Más

Proyecto • By Casas inHAUS SLCasas Privadas

Casa modular en Nantes

Esta casa en Nantes (Francia) es una villa modular de gama alta. Una vivienda unifamiliar con máximas calidades de acabo. La primera casa prefabricada construida por inHAUS en España e instalada en otro país. Una construcción industrializada, completamente terminada en 5 meses y en 3D, con diseño arquitectónico de vanguardia, hecho a medida. Élodie Dugué / Romain Briolet Élodie Dugué / Romain Briolet La región del País del Loira alberga esta casa, la primera exportada por inHAUS. Es la primera de una serie de diferentes proyectos de viviendas prefabricadas de gama alta en Francia, Suiza, Alemania y otros lugares de Europa y EE UU. Es una casa de u... Más

Proyecto • By Boano PrišmontasOficinas

Dot House

Boano Prišmontas designed and manufactured a digitally fabricated tiny home for a dwelling in North London. Conceived as a multifunctional and flexible unit, it provides an ancillary and unique space to work, relax, watch a movie, read or play video games. Mainly used as a study and entertainment room, the 'Dot House' comprises a bathroom and a micro kitchen to provide an independent and self-sufficient micro-habitable space that could be used for visiting, family members, and guests. Caption Caption Caption Caption Más

Proyecto • By Atelier Bruno MartinsHoteles

Pestana Casino Studios

In order to talk about the last hotel built by the Pestana group, I first have to talk about how this building was built, and how it didn't take more than 8 months to be finished. But how, when we know that a hotel with 3,500m2 and 75 rooms would have to have a construction time of at least twice as much? Caption It is in 2013, when I was looking into construction technologies and their role in architecture, housing and other programs, that my research into modular construction begins.  Caption While the exhaustive repetition of modular systems can make the architecture less significant, it is no less true that we will not be able to solve the housing problem without being more inventive. And without first taking care to be... Más

Proyecto • By C28 srl -collaboratorio di progettazioneApartamentos

Can2021 _ ModularSystem

Speed, compatibility, eco-sustainability and safety are some of the key words that orbit around this project, which was born out of the government's need to accommodate a large number of athletes and visitors during the upcoming CAN2021 African Cup of Nations football event. Caption The modular concept is the basis for the construction of the entire project. It allows for variability in the overall distribution and also for speed and efficiency during the transport and assembly phases. Caption From the first idea, it is clear how easy the adaptable system is. The arrangement of the modules is intended solely to ensure privacy, but at the same time to optimise the connection to the water, electricity and sewage networks. In fact,... Más

Producto • By ElevateElevate UltraPly™ TPO


Sistema de impermeabilización UltraPly TPO de Elevate: la solución para cubiertas de color claro El compromiso de Elevate para ofrecer una gama completa de soluciones de alto rendimiento para cubiertas ha dado como resultado la creación de la membrana UltraPly TPO de Elevate. Estas membranas de impermeabilización termoplásticas se encuentran entre los productos para cubiertas comerciales de mayor crecimiento, y han obtenido una amplia aceptación en la industria por sus muchas ventajas en lo que respecta al rendimiento y a la instalación. Desde la instalación de las primeras cubiertas TPO a principios de la década de 1990, se han instalado cientos de millones de metros cuadrados... Más

Producto • By ElevateElevate RubberGard™ EPDM - membrana monocapa de caucho sintético para cubiertas planas o ligeramente inclinadas

RUBBERGARD™ EPDM - synthetic rubber single-ply waterproofing membrane for flat and low slope roofs

Solución de impermeabilización de cubiertas en EPDM para un resultado superior Las membranas de impermeabilización monocapa han ido ganando terreno de forma constante. La durabilidad del producto, su facilidad de aplicación y su capacidad de optimizar la eficiencia energética de los edificios, minimizando a la vez su impacto ambiental, son factores clave detrás de esta tendencia. La membrana para impermeabilización de cubiertas RubberGard EPDM de Elevate cumple con todos estos requisitos. RubberGard EPDM es una membrana monocapa de caucho sintético para cubiertas planas o ligeramente inclinadas de edificios comerciales, industriales y residenciales. Ofrece una durabilidad, resistenci... Más