Jesús Granada

gabriel verd arquitectos
gabriel verd arquitectos
Gabriel Verd, ( Granada , 1975) Graduated in Architecture at the Technical Superior School of Architecture (ETSA) of Seville in 2001, from 2001 to 2003 collaborated with Guillermo Vazquez Consuegra.
I have been invited as visiting professor at the Architecture School of Cagliari (Italy) and participate as professor in the Master Renewable Energy: Architecture and Urbanism at the International University of Andalusia since 2005.
Is also counsellor of the College of Architects of Seville (since 2011) and in November 2014 was invited to join the Foundation for Contemporary Architecture (Fundación de Arquitectura Contemporánea)
I have given conferences in Melbourne , Venice , London , Ferrara , Vicenza , Bologna , Madrid , Lucca , Seville , Concepción ( Chile )…
My work has been published in national and international reviews l (Casabella, AV Proyectos, 2G Dossier Joung Spanish architects,…) and received numerous awards including: first prize “futuros” (best build work for architects under 40) in 2009 by CSCAE (Superior Council of Architects' Associations of Spain), International Prize for “Sustainable Architecture” Fassa Bortolo 2009 (Ferrara, Italy), Finalist in Renzo Piano Foundation Prize to a Young Talent 2010 (Genoa, Italy), Prize Archi-Bau 2009 (Munich), International Architecture Award 2007 for the Chicago Athenaeum, finalist prize Fad 2009 (Barcelona, Spain), First prize SICE! 2008 in Sustainability, Innovation, Quality, in Construction. ( Madrid , Spain ), The Copper in Architecture 13 - Prize for innovation in architecture. London , United Kingdom …
My aim is to propose architecture capable of addressing programs of varying scale and complexity. The experience I have both in public competitions and private assignments permits me to create architectural works as the result of a deep reflection, which is not only functional and structural but also conceptual in its most abstract meaning. In my designs nothing is casual, looking for clarity -which doesn't mean simplicity -the projects are intricate, complex, but not complicated. I try to create buildings for living, and where the user feels comfortable; achieving this with many hours of reflection and by combining the different disciplines involved in the development of architecture. My method of making bioclimatic or ecologically conscious architecture isn't only the result of the application of special technologies, but above all the implementation of a logic directed at the suitableness and the positive utilization of environmental conditions, held throughout the development of the project, the building work, the life of the building and its utilization.