Garden pavilion
An overview of projects, products and exclusive articles about garden pavilion
Noticias • Noticias • 22 jul. 2024
Atelier L’Abri’s design for minimal wooden pavilion embraces sustainable regeneration and self-sufficiency
El estudio de arquitectura y construcción Atelier L'Abri, con sede en Montreal, ha terminado el Pabellón Melba como complemento integral de su proyecto Maison Melba. Situado en el pueblo de Frelighsburg, en el sur de Quebec, Maison Melba es un lugar que promueve iniciativas agroalimentarias sostenibles y la creatividad culinaria a escala humana. El nuevo pabellón Melba es una construcción de madera minimalista y sin adornos que apoya la producción hortícola a pequeña escala del lugar y contribuye a su autonomía ecológica. El diseño rústico abraza la filosofía de la regeneración sostenible y la autosuficiencia.
Atelier L’Abri... Más
Noticias • Noticias • 17 jun. 2024
BYRÓ architekti’s charred wood-clad garden pavilion in Prague reimagines the mundane garden shed
La empresa praguense BYRÓ architekti ha terminado un pequeño y contemporáneo pabellón de jardín revestido de madera carbonizada en la capital checa. Esta acogedora estructura, que forma parte de una colonia de jardineros, reimagina por completo el mundano cobertizo de jardín.
Alex Shoots Buildings
Alex Shoots Buildings
BYRÓ architekti diseñó el pabellón de jardín para unos clientes que poseen un gran jardín maduro en el centro de Praga. Construido sobre los cimientos de una casa de campo en ruinas, el pabellón es una vivienda bijou que ofrece un espacio modesto para refugiarse durante las inclemencias del tiempo y pernoctar ocasiona... Más
Noticias • Noticias • 10 ago. 2021
Garden pavilion in Mexico City demonstrates the potential of recycled materials and community involvement
In Mexico City, El Terreno is a community garden and educational centre established during the Covid19 outbreak. Allowing for an urban orchard to grow flowers, aromatic plants and vegetables, the project aims to provide children with social stimulation as well as an environmental education that brings them closer to cycles of food production and sustainable living.
Ricardo de la Concha
Central to the project is a pavilion inserted into the landscape and constructed with recycled materials. Designed by local architecture office VERTEBRAL, the reclaimed materials used come from materials used in their previous construction projects.
Ricardo de la Concha
To form the pavilion, sections of iron rods were bent and... Más
What matters is that it's a space where reading can take place.
The Pavillion has been designed as a modern-day folly, is constructed of timber and glass and is located on the grounds of an existing detached villa in the Algarve.
The concept was to create a small private retreat close to the existing house with views across open countryside towards the sea beyond.
The new structure is sited in a wonderfully mature setting but also in a part of the garden that was rarely used.
Subtle changes are projected onto the timber slatted façade throughout the day created by the movement of the sun and the shadows from the foliage of the surrounding trees.
A dramatic change occurs in its appearance when lit at night. &nbs... Más