Pavilion design

An overview of projects, products and exclusive articles about pavilion design

NoticiasInnovaciones • 18 jul. 2024

XISUI Design creates serene woven metal pavilion inspired by bird nest and eggshell structures

XISUI Design, con sede en Shanghai, es un estudio multidisciplinar con un equipo de arquitectos, artistas de instalaciones e ingenieros. El estudio se interesa por la aplicación de tecnologías digitales avanzadas de diseño y construcción, así como por nuevos procesos y materiales, como demuestra su «Thin-Shell Metal Woven Pavilion». Yihao Hu, XISUI Design Site Plan by XISUI Design XISUI Design se propuso crear una instalación envolvente para el pabellón explorando nuevas posibilidades de diseño, ingeniería y fabricación mediante pruebas computacionales continuas y el trabajo en equipos interdisciplinares. El estudio se inspiró en la c... Más

NoticiasNoticias • 17 jun. 2024

BYRÓ architekti’s charred wood-clad garden pavilion in Prague reimagines the mundane garden shed

La empresa praguense BYRÓ architekti ha terminado un pequeño y contemporáneo pabellón de jardín revestido de madera carbonizada en la capital checa. Esta acogedora estructura, que forma parte de una colonia de jardineros, reimagina por completo el mundano cobertizo de jardín. Alex Shoots Buildings Alex Shoots Buildings BYRÓ architekti diseñó el pabellón de jardín para unos clientes que poseen un gran jardín maduro en el centro de Praga. Construido sobre los cimientos de una casa de campo en ruinas, el pabellón es una vivienda bijou que ofrece un espacio modesto para refugiarse durante las inclemencias del tiempo y pernoctar ocasiona... Más

NoticiasNoticias • 19 dic. 2023

Splin­ter Soci­ety completes a smart architectural pavilion for Monash Uni­ver­si­ty

El estudio de arquitectura e interiorismo Splinter Society, con sede en Melbourne, ha finalizado el diseño y la construcción de un pabellón elegante y contemporáneo para la Universidad de Monash. Situado en el campus de Parkville de la Facultad de Farmacia y Ciencias Farmacéuticas de la universidad, en Victoria, el Pabellón de Farmacia de la Universidad de Monash es una marquesina arquitectónica que amplía las instalaciones existentes y proporciona una entrada elevada. La marquesina se arquea hacia arriba a lo largo de su cara norte, un gesto que realza la forma elegante y fluida del pabellón, e ilumina el espacio adyacente a una cafetería. Splin­ter Soci­ety... Más

Proyecto • By AshariArchitectsGalerías de Arte


Mirror manifests honesty, transparency, and clarity in the Iranian culture. As one of the traditional architectural techniques, mirror fabrication has deep cultural roots and influenced by spiritual and religious beliefs. Caption Authentic artists consolidated small and large mirror pieces to creative decorative and geometric designs. The fragmented mirror pieces reflected the surrounding environment in a regular geometric composition revealing an abstract presentation of the environment composition. Caption With the presence of light, color, texture, and fluid reflections provides the visitor with a unique experience to depart from reality and picture himself in imagination. This departure depicts a transition into a world of w... Más

Proyecto • By Dazhou And AssociatesTiendas

Corner pavilion

Corner Pavilion is located on a pedestrian street by the West Lake in Hangzhou. It is a small building designed by Dazhou And Associates commissioned by the coffee brand M Stand. The street is crowded with people, and the site which is less than 100 meters from the West Lake, is defined out by three ginkgo trees. Wen Studio Sculpture and Support With three simple geometries supporting the heavy metal roof volume, the building stands like a sculpture on a busy street. It opens up in all directions, so that there is no obstruction at eye level except for the necessary structure, and you can look at it and then through it. Wen Studio Shelter and Platform We want it to be a space to enter and to stay. During the design process, we... Más

NoticiasNoticias • 11 ene. 2022

PANNAR Sufficiency Economic & Agriculture Learning Center offers an inspiring example of sustainable architecture in rural Thailand

In light of challenges resulting from the unprecedented rate of technological advancement, increasing social and economic disparities, dangers from natural disasters, and most recently, the global pandemic, the ‘Sufficiency Economic Philosophy’ elaborated by His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej of Thailand in 1974 has gained recognition as an inclusive and sustainable growth model. Ketsiree Wongwan The PANNAR Sufficiency Economic and Agriculture Learning Centre by Vin Varavarn Architects was established to provide the Thai people with an inspiring example of the King’s Sufficiency Economic Philosophy. Located on 14 acres of land in the Nakhon-Ratchasima area, the project sees the transformation of the once arid and ro... Más



What matters is that it's a space where reading can take place. The Pavillion has been designed as a modern-day folly, is constructed of timber and glass and is located on the grounds of an existing detached villa in the Algarve. The concept was to create a small private retreat close to the existing house with views across open countryside towards the sea beyond.  The new structure is sited in a wonderfully mature setting but also in a part of the garden that was rarely used.  Subtle changes are projected onto the timber slatted façade throughout the day created by the movement of the sun and the shadows from the foliage of the surrounding trees.  A dramatic change occurs in its appearance when lit at night. &nbs... Más