Public sculpture

An overview of projects, products and exclusive articles about public sculpture

NoticiasNoticias • 19 jul. 2024

Monumental sculptures appear to embrace and support Fragment Apartments in Prague

El estudio creativo praguense QARTA Architektura ha finalizado la construcción de un complejo de apartamentos en el barrio praguense de Karlín. La arquitectura de gran fuerza visual de los nuevos «Apartamentos Fragmento» responde al contexto histórico de Karlín. Antiguo barrio industrial, Karlín ha sido testigo de una gran transformación arquitectónica y social en las últimas décadas. La inclusión en el proyecto de tres esculturas monumentales del escultor checo David Černý crea un escenario tan sorprendente como surrealista. QARTA Architektura BoysPlayNice BoysPlayNice La transformación gradual de Karlín conser... Más

Proyecto • By Design+ArchitectureHerencias

Morgan Street Revitalization

Mount Morgan is a small town located 40km south-west of Rockhampton in Central Queensland. The town has a little-known but rich history of gold and copper mining, and in 2014 the local council started a master-planning process to revitalise the main streetscape. Cameron Murchison Cameron Murchison The existing context became very important in the concept for the new streetscape. Morgan Street contained a 10-metre-wide park down the middle of the main street, flanked by two one-way roads. Shops and small businesses occupied the northern side of the street, and a local primary school the south. The existing park contained an ageing amenities block, some informal landscaping, and a few items of historical significance. These importa... Más

NoticiasNoticias • 8 ene. 2023

BUREAU creates a cross-cultural sculptural respite for artists and wanderers in the French woods

Set amidst the woods of Sergy, France, architectural firm BUREAU crafts Therese, an organic sculpture and a temporary shelter for artists. The work of Swiss novelist Charles-Ferdinand Ramuz serves as an inspiration for the design, a quaint architectural being in the form of a boulder fostering wanderers and nature lovers. The narrative continues, evolving into a brief series with the emergence of Thérèse. Dylan Perrenoud The modest structure is perceptible through the expanding trees, but the wooden exterior forms the first stage of the design process. The wooden interiors feature two wooden benches and a table for the travellers to use as seating and places to set up their belongings. Dylan Perrenoud The p... Más

Proyecto • By Mathews + Associates ArchitectsPuentes

Nellmapius Bridge

As part of the Gauteng freeway improvement project SANRAL (South African National Roads Agency SOC Ltd) commissioned AECOM SA (Pty) Ltd (then BKS (Pty) Ltd) and Mathews & Associates Architects to design the parapet cladding and lighting  for the Nellmapius bridge.   The bridge had to act as a gateway to the recently completed Gauteng Freeway improvement Project. The notion of random and the art of origami were combined to reflect as a metaphor for the many facets of the province of Gauteng and the country as a whole.    Designs from other disciplines using fractal geometry were used as precedents and the design development process was hands-on, using paper models to conceptualise and generate the final design and... Más

Proyecto • By MASK ArchitectsGalerías de Arte

Hole Zero + Timeless Kinetic Art Sculpture

Mask Architects developed a proposal for a public artwork to be located in Nuevo Polanco, Mexico City " Hole Zero + Timeless Kinetic Art Sculpture" has been selected one of 5 finalists among  340 international projects and Artist for MassivArt and MIRA  investment and real estate development company in Mexico.  Designed by Öznur Pınar ÇER, Danilo PETTA " Hole Zero + Timeless Kinetic Art Sculpture" is the first spiral interactive movement and rotated lattice loop structure in the world which has filled easily controlled rotatable kinetic art panels by human movements where human are interactive and environmental data according to the location of the structure on the site. Inspired by spacetime curving/bending whic... Más

Proyecto • By CarveCentros Comerciales

Marmara Forum

Hitos icónicos Fantásticas estructuras de nubes de juego han aparecido en la ciudad de Estambul. Son hitos emblemáticos de un nuevo parque infantil al aire libre en la azotea del Foro de Mármara, un centro comercial del distrito de Bakirköy. Las ventanas de las nubes cambian de color mágicamente con la luz del día. Por el momento en silencio, el sitio pronto estará cubierto por los alegres sonidos de niños excitados.   Un nuevo aspecto A Carve se le encargó el diseño del patio de recreo en la terraza de la azotea del Foro de Mármara, a 24 metros sobre el nivel de la calle. La terraza y el patio de comidas habían sido renovados para restaurar el... Más

Proyecto • By WalllasiaPabellones

No Sunrise No Sunset Pavilion

‘Yai Sa is the symbol of love and awaiting. She has been waiting for someone she loves who has been leaving her to search for the ultimate truth and promise her, he will return to her when he finds it. Everyday, she stands at this same point waiting for him. What is the ultimate truth? And where is it? Is it extrinsic? Or is it already has in our mind? Which is love, mercy, change, death, emptiness, or oneness. ‘No Sunrise No Sunset’ because “The sun stays in the same place, but the world itself is spinning around”.We see the worldas the way we want so the world is like the way we are. Since we see the world as the way it is, we will see beauty and virtue of its nature.   This project is a life-specific... Más

Proyecto • By Zieta StudioEsculturas


This architectural, public sculpture consists of 35 bionic steel arches referring in form to the shape of the island and most of all to construction of nearby historic architecture of Ostrów Tumski originally established in XI century. The arches together create an ultralight, durable construction, its mirror-polished surface reflects the surroundings and gives the effect of a naturally growing sculpture that changes throughout the day and seasons.NAWA is part of revitalization programme for Daliowa Island – the smallest of over a dozen islands in downtown Wrocław. Aim of the programme was to turn neglected and forgotten space into an area open to meetings, concerts and artistic events, thus a reclamation to city inhabitants. NAWA is the cr... Más