Pulaski Square Luxury Townhomes
Studio 13

Pulaski Square Luxury Townhomes

Patcraft como Fabricantes

When you think of off-campus apartments for university students, you might envision boring, bland interiors with old carpet and fixtures, thin walls, and leaky faucets. What university student wants to live in those?




Exactly the reason you will find something very different, and desirably attractive, at Pulaski Square Luxury Townhomes. Here, University of South Carolina Gamecocks enjoy upscale residences where they can live, study, and relax in style. Columbus, Ohio-based The Woda Group designed and developed the 40-unit townhome complex, and installed an array of Patcraft flooring to achieve the contemporary, fun look they desired.

Modern Design, Upscale Look




Pulaski Square’s spacious, sleek townhomes offer students homelike environments where they can study, socialize or unwind. Woda Group interior designer Cheryl Cooper wanted products that would offer the type of high design you’d find in private homes, but durable enough to hold up foot traffic, food spills at parties, and other types of damage.

Wears Well, Looks Great




Flooring can update a space and create a warm inviting environment providing a new and invigorating personality. “I think it all looks great!” says Cooper. “It’s exactly what we hoped for with respect to the look and feel of it.

Transform Learning with Patcraft


“The three main factors I used when selecting flooring for this project were durability, affordability and attractiveness of design.”
Cheryl Cooper, interior designer, The Woda Group, inc.

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