The redevelopment of the 4.5-acre Wanamaker Middle School site at 11th Street and Cecil B. Moore Avenue in Philadelphia is evolving into a mixed-use, privately owned student housing development for 2,500 student residents. Adjacent to the campus of Temple University, the redevelopment includes a vibrant mixed-use, privately owned residential and retail center, including apartments for 800 residents.
This sustainably focused complex will include lively public open spaces and supporting retail options to anchor the southern edge of the campus neighborhood. The building’s dynamic program offers unique social environments, both inside and out, including formal and informal public spaces at both the ground and penthouse levels. These include a mix of study, meeting and fitness related uses. The structure’s lively appearance will be a unique addition to the campus and act as an icon from the downtown and other surrounding areas.
Targeting a LEED Silver rating, this high-performance building provides exemplary strategies for storm water management, alternative transportation and energy savings strategies, including its own rooftop cogeneration plant.
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