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'TRE' offers designers and architects the ability to easily create intriguing and visually stunning surfaces. Tre tiles have a height of 185.6 mm and an edge length of 214.3 mm. 'TRE' I, II and III are available in 2 levels of thickness: 26 mm and 41 mm, giving the possibility to create tiered surfaces. The tiles can be assembled in 2 main ways: either with all vertices and edges aligned, or offset, with the apexes of the tiles aligned with the opposing tile’s center point.

Concrete has had somewhat of a renaissance in recent times. Known for its strength, versatility, durability and an impressive list of other unique qualities, concrete is
one of the most useful and ubiquitous building materials of the past nearly two centuries. KAZA’s proprietary formula exposes the true potential of concrete, reaching beyond utility into artistically refined applications that are stronger and more durable.


Our production process is the culmination of the timeless and irreplaceable art of master craftsmanship and 21st century technologies and materials. The human element is present and involved in every step of manufacture.

We can mix and match almost any color code or sample sent to us, though a surcharge may apply to special colors. All KAZA products are treated against stains and moisture, and are available in matte and satin finishings. 


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Product Spotlight Mosaic wall tiles
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