Our buckskin, stacked wood panels make a fine addition to any home going for a more rustic look. Our stacked design offers a little extra complexity to a panel that provides a classic look in any space, or can be used as another tool for designers creating unique wooden wall art. Check out some of our other reclaimed wood panel tiles and think about how you could use them in conjunction with each other!

Made from a random mix of real reclaimed Western Red Cedar, Coastal Redwood and American Eastern White Pine Blocks, Woodwöl Stacked mosaic wood wall tiles are a simple and beautiful way to bring nature into spaces. Every tile is unique and when placed together the affect is truly stunning.

Our stacked pattern consists of strong horizontal planks that interlock with neighboring tiles creating an energetic, seamless pattern.

Our buckskin finish treats the wood with a ceramic glaze that deepens the color and creates a beautiful, subtle sheen sheen. Buckskin is rugged and elegant, with a color that is rich and pleasing.

Hand-made in Michigan using authentic reclaimed wood, these easy-to-install one square foot interlocking mosaic wood tile sheets are an exciting new way to incorporate nature into your design.

Made from FSC© certified reclaimed Western Coast Red Cedar, Redwood and American Eastern White Pine and finished with a water-based stain and clear coat, this product is certified sustainable, Indoor air quality certified and VOC-free.

-1 tile = 1 Square Foot in Area
-Installs Easily with Mechanical Fasteners or Construction Adhesive
-Class A Fire Treatment Available
-FSC© Certified Recycled Wood
-SCS Advantage™ Gold—Indoor Air Quality Certified
-LEED Opportunities Available
-Made in the USA

Flat or Dimensional Options Available
-Dimensional, 3-D tiles have blocks with depths of 1/2˝ to 3/4˝ thick
creating a textured pattern with shadows.
-Flat tiles have a uniform height of 5/8˝ so the tiles are consistent and unshadowed.

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Product Spotlight Wall panels and cladding
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