On the 15th of September 2022, the Brette Haus showcased its brand new folding house in Europe. The “Rustic 20 XL” was installed in Hollenbek, Germany.
What is it?
This is a 30 sq.m. tiny wooden house for hospitality accommodation. It was developed and manufactured in March 2021 in collaboration with cross-laminated timber manufacturer WIGO Group.

The key feature of this cabin is its compact transportation size. The folding feature allows optimizing delivery two times. Three modules are connected with hinges and fold inside each other. Thus, no air is transported only multiple layers of the cabin. This is a game-changer for hospitality businesses because delivery usually adds 10-15% to the price.
There is a ground floor planned as a living room with kitchen space and bathroom. The mezzanine floor is organised to be a bedroom and relaxing space. There are electricity and plumbing prefabricated as well as a heating system, lights, WC & shower, and customised IKEA kitchen. House comes ready to use right after unfolding.

Unique technology Brette Haus patented hinge system allows it to triple the surface of the house and grants up to 100 foldings. Folding itself is not as important as the logistic efficiency it provides. Several folded cabins can be transported by a 12-meter (40-feet) platform. Insulated cabins come as an oversize load while seasonal houses stay within regular road regulations.The company gives a 24-month warranty. The structure doesn't require a permanent foundation: you can use simple bricks or more sustainable screw piles.

Respecting nature Foldable houses fully correspond to an eco-friendly concept as they are made of renewable wood from sustainably managed forests. Wooden CLT panels (Cross-laminated timber) are manufactured according to precise measurement which results in low wastage.Besides, the cross-laminated timber constructions are easy to install, durable against seismic forces, fire resistant (REI 60) and have an important feature as a smooth natural texture both from the exterior and interior.They provide natural ventilation and optimal temperature balance. Brette Haus uses softwood fibre insulation for the cabins supplied to regions with a colder climate.The production is sustainable due to low CO2 emission, water consumption and waste generation. All the materials are recyclable.

What's the story?
This house has changed the delivery and installation dates and places several times due to COVID-19 restrictions.Finally, in July, Brette Haus agreed to make a presentation together with customer Oliver Victor who owns three beautiful historic train stations and many kilometres of the railroad in Germany. The tourists live in adjusted wagons and special houses placed on improved railroad platforms, which are not regulated by the German government.At the end of August, the house was delivered to the place, and on the 15th of September Brette Haus team arrived to erect the house. It was successfully built up in several hours and lit up with an electric plug-in."We're happy to finally do that after a long negotiation process. This showcase will help us to develop faster. The demonstration of Rustic 20XL in German co-living community confirms the strong trend to a tiny house is in hospitality, office and other business solutions " — said the CEO of the company Gennadii Bakunin."Our approach here is to stay as much affordable and transparent as we could use the same high-quality eco-materials". Every order is processed and optimised based on its quantity.On the other hand, considering the fact that initially the cabin, which was designed specifically for affordable living and available co-living opportunities, found its perfect location — the land owner designed that area specifically with the certain idea to provide an ideal environment for communities to stay with nature and experience eco-friendly co-living, as well as support local hand made production. Thus, Brette Haus on train wheels successfully joined and complemented the unusual tiny living neighbourhood.

Ok, that's great, what's next?
One part of the plan is to maintain a successful business in Germany, now it's a lot easier with the showcase house. Today everyone can contact Oliver Victor and book a stay in Brette Haus (www.lilleby.de). Also, Brette Haus plans to enlarge the product line by providing several new models for different uses including tiny and towable cabins (around 15 square meters) for nomadic glamping.